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Personal Ministry

Personal Ministry focuses on equipping members to share their faith with others. It offers resources and training to help members develop personal evangelism skills. The ministry also encourages members to participate in outreach activities and mission trips. 

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Women's Ministry

Women's Ministry focuses on providing opportunities for women to connect, grow, and serve. The ministry offers resources and training to help women develop their spiritual gifts and leadership skills. It also addresses issues specific to women.

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Community Services

Community Services focus on providing relief and development services to communities in need. The ministry offers disaster response, health and wellness education, and support for refugees and immigrants. We partners with other organizations to address social issues such as poverty, homelessness, and hunger. Our goal is to show God's love in practical ways and to bring hope to those who are struggling.

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Tri-city Christian Academy

Tri-City Christian Academy (TCA) is a private school located in High Point, North Carolina.  TCA has been in operation serving the children of the triad area for over fifty years.  If you are looking for a safe Christ- centered school for your children, TCA is the place for you!

Pathfinder Ministry

Pathfinders  is open to young people aged 10-15. The program focuses on spiritual growth, outdoor activities, community service and leadership development. Pathfinders earn honors and awards for completing various requirements in areas such as nature, crafts, and health. 

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Prayer Ministry

How can we pray for you? Send your prayer requests and be part of a body of believers praying for each other!

Join the Clarity prayer line on Tuesday and Thursday at 6:00am

Pastoral Support

We understand the importance of pastoral support during times of need. Pastor Hindman and his family are available to provide counseling, spiritual guidance, and prayer to those in our community who may be facing challenging situations. Our goal is to help individuals and families grow in their faith and find comfort and hope in difficult times. Please reach out to us if you need support.

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Sabbath School

Sabbath School is an opportunity to delve deeper into the Bible. Each Sabbath School lesson is based on a specific topic and is designed to encourage discussion and reflection. Participants are encouraged to share their insights and perspectives during the study. Sabbath School is open to anyone who wants to learn more about the Bible and connect with others.

Youth Ministry

The Greensboro Seventh-day Adventist Church Youth Ministry is engaging and empowering Seventh-day Adventist youth to take the Advent Message to the world now!  We are challenged by the prophetic words of one of our church’s premier youth "Young men and young women, cannot you form companies, and as soldiers of Christ, enlist in the work, putting all your tact and skill and talent into the Master's service, that you may save souls from ruin?  Let there be companies organized in every church to do this work." (Signs of the Times, May 29, 1893)

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